The Full Story
About Us
Hello to all of you hardworking and caring pet parents! My name is Biwen and this is the journey that led
me to establish Pawlistic Pet Food. I grew up in a household where both of my parents are huge animal
lovers. Since my childhood years, they have rescued so many cats that even I have lost track of the
actual number. Growing up with animals has taught me the importance of having a grateful and loving
heart. God created animals and cute pets to keep people company even before creating man and
woman. He allowed the first man to even name the animals that He created and that we now adore.
As an adult, I got married, had a couple of children, and then got to work rescuing all the pets my family
currently cares for from either unethical breeders or unsuitable living situations. When I first adopted
my golden retriever Leo, he had a host of health-related issues. After switching his food from kibble
feedings to a raw diet, his GI track soon became stronger and healthier. His coat is now shiny and
smooth. After about a year of enjoying Leo’s loving antics, our family adopted our darling border collie,
Poppy. After that, we adopted an Angora bunny named Toosie, our adult Maine Coon Gia and most
recently we have a kitten Squeezly who was gifted to us thanks to our love and care of our other pets.
The only pet that preceded Leo is the one my parents allowed me to adopt when I was a teenager living
in China. I found my beloved Flower on the streets being teased and picked on by a bunch of boys in a
small city in China.
All my pets, except Flower (much older and very stubborn) are on a raw/fresh diet. The changes I have
seen in their health are visibly apparent. Soon I realized that so many more pet owners can benefit from
healthy and nutritional meals for their pets. Since I was already making nutritious meals for my personal
pets, God put in on my heart to establish a way that I can share these fantastic meals with others while
supplementing my income. In only took me a few months to dive headfirst into this new adventure by
adapting new recipes and learning all I could about nutrition and animal health. In fact, I am also a
certified pet nutritionist and pet massage therapist so that Pawlistic, established in 2023, can treat both
the whole pet in a variety of ways. For me, working with animals daily is very satisfying and rewarding.
After a long day, a message from pet owners relaying that their fur babies love my food always makes
me smile.
We are so grateful that you trusted us with your fur babies. Your support is my forever motivation.